A Rare and Beautiful Event: Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s Tiger Orchid Blooms - Brooklyn Botanic Garden
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A Rare and Beautiful Event: Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s Tiger Orchid Blooms

It’s not every day that a tiger orchid blooms in Brooklyn. It’s not even every year. In fact, Brooklyn Botanic Garden's Grammatophyllum speciosum had only bloomed twice in its 13-year residence here—until now. The 300-pound tropical orchid has thrived since it was repotted in June 2010 and is now producing a magnificent display of 17 flower spikes and hundreds of yellow-and-brown-spotted blossoms. Even in its native habitat of Southeast Asia, the species blooms infrequently—reportedly once every two to four years. For a specimen to blossom in cultivation and at this latitude is a special event indeed. Don’t miss it.

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Image, top of page: Uli Lorimer