The View from the Green Roof - Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Plants & Gardens Blog
Urban Gardening

The View from the Green Roof

Now in its second summer, the Visitor Center’s green roof is coming into its own. The plants, mostly native grasses and flowering perennials, create the impression of a meadow in the treetops. Butterfly weed and prairie clover dot the landscape with splashes of bright color. Though the roof is inaccessible to the public, it swoops low enough to be viewed from street level, and you can get a full view from the Overlook. I was lucky enough to get a tour with curator Barry Rogers to photograph some of the plants and wildlife mid-summer. Enjoy the roof in this sunny moment. You’ll see it looking completely different in the fall!

Blanca Begert is Brooklyn Botanic Garden's photographer and digital media producer.

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Image, top of page: Antonio M. Rosario