Natural History - Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Plants & Gardens Blog

Natural History

On August 21, Patrick Dougherty finished his stickwork at BBG. Taking just over 2 weeks to complete, the piece is an incredible installation that beckons to be explored by children and adults alike. On the final day of construction, Dougherty and his assistant Andy Lynch debated what the official title should be. Many ideas had been discussed in the days leading up to its completion, but in the end it was an overheard conversation between a young visitor and his mother that gave rise to the title Natural History.

BBG is honored to exhibit Natural History in the Plant Family Collection meadow and encourages visitors to wander within its inspired woven-wood walls. The sculpture will remain on the grounds for one year, changing over time with the seasons and weather.


Rebecca Bullene is a former editor at Brooklyn Botanic Garden. She is the proprietor of Greenery NYC, a creative floral and garden design company that specializes in botanical works of art including terrariums, urban oasis gardens, and whimsical floral arrangements.

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Image, top of page: Antonio M. Rosario