Alexander Calder Sculpture Comes to BBG - Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Plants & Gardens Blog

Alexander Calder Sculpture Comes to BBG

Today a rigging crew from More Specialized Transport assembled Calder's massive black sculpture Le Guichet (The Box Office) on site in the Osborne Garden. The piece is on loan to BBG in honor of our centennial, as a gift from the Lincoln Center of the Performing Arts to Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

For most of the sweltering day, the crew, which specializes in artwork installation, carefully plumbed and situated the various component pieces, supervised by head installer Eddie McAveney and conservator Mark Roussel. The site was surveyed, plinths were installed at each of the contact points, and the main element suspended in place with a forklift. Once the main side piece was added, the sculpture was stable and the remaining elements were reattached. The process of fitting together the pieces somehow evoked assembling a purchase from Ikea, but on a much grander scale, and by an efficient and professional crew.

At last spring's Lincoln Center gala, Reynold Levy, the president of Lincoln Center, offered Mayor Bloomberg the gift of the loan. The Mayor selected BBG as the site in honor of the Garden's centennial. Learn more about the piece at the exhibit listing.

The piece will be on display through the summer, so be sure to explore it on your next visit.


Elizabeth Peters is the director of Digital and Print Media at BBG.

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Image, top of page: Antonio M. Rosario