BBG Wins National Medal - Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Plants & Gardens Blog

BBG Wins National Medal

Brooklyn Botanic Garden has been named one of five museums to be awarded the 2014 National Medal for Museum and Library Service. The National Medal is the country’s highest honor bestowed on museums and libraries, recognizing outstanding service to the community.

Michelle Obama will present the award in a ceremony at the White House next month. Accepting on behalf of BBG will be president Scot Medbury and Chidi Duke, an alumnus of and current instructor in BBG’s Children’s Garden, which celebrates its centennial this year. This program for the community’s children was the first of its kind in a botanic garden, and today it remains emblematic of the Garden’s commitment to increasing environmental awareness. Throughout this year, BBG is celebrating the Children’s Garden anniversary and its impact on generations of Brooklyn families.

The National Medal is a testament to the exceptional dedication and talents of BBG's staff and volunteers. The Garden is very proud to receive this honor!


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