BBG Curator Recommends Houseplants for the Inept - Brooklyn Botanic Garden
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BBG Curator Recommends Houseplants for the Inept

Uli Lorimer, BBG’s Native Flora Garden curator, was featured in a New York Times article and photo essay that quickly became one of the paper’s “top emailed” stories. Uli, whose Brooklyn home is lush with flora, shared his expert advice on raising successful houseplants in challenging indoor growing conditions. His tips for battling dim lighting and dry winter air include such strategies as soaking thirsty plants in the shower, mimicking seasonal water cycles, and selecting plants that thrive in low light. Uli also offered his go-to list of interesting and "indestructible" houseplants that flourish even in less-than-ideal conditions.

Read the article here: Hard to Kill: Houseplants for the Inept
And see the slideshow here: Plant Experts’ Picks for Hardy Indoor Plants


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Image, top of page: Antonio M. Rosario